2020 Newport Marathon, 10k and Corporate Challenge

This year we are once again proudly sponsoring the ABP Newport Marathon & 10k again, to be held on Sunday 19th April. If your resolution or goal this year was to get a little fitter, maybe dust off those trainers and complete a marathon then why not run it for KOAC?
We will provide your running place for free and throw in a running top for good measure, in return we ask that you raise £250 for KOAC through sponsorship for your amazing efforts.
This year we are also encouraging companies to register for the 10k Corporate Challenge for KOAC, a wonderful addition to this year’s event! Whether used as team building, some healthy competition or just a chance to do some fund raising. The premise is simple:
Step 1 – Get your team together from work (minimum of 5 runners).
Step 2 – Speak to KOAC so we can register your team (and of course sort your entry fee for free)
Step 3 – Get fund raising – we ask that all team members raise £100 for KOAC
Step 4 – Run your 10k – fastest 3 times will be registered and the fastest corporate team wins!
We will also provide KOAC running tops with your company’s logo on – some great exposure for your firm while helping raise funds for KOAC!
Anyone running, whether as part of a corporate team or for themselves, can also register this with The Century, another little bonus!
Please contact us to register your company.