Volunteers Week 2020

Here at KOAC, we see that volunteers are the life of any charity and as it is Volunteers Week we thought we would get back in touch with some of our amazing volunteers and ask them about their experience with KOAC


Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Due to the ongoing health crisis around the world at present and due to the fact that those with cancer or having treatment for cancer can lower your ability to fight infection, the board of trustees have decided that we will not be able to arrange any experiences before at least April 20th 2020


Pancreatic Cancer and Movember update

November also acknowledges the Pancreatic Cancer society with the purple ribbon and as part of our commitment as a Trustee of Kicking Off Against Cancer we want to make you all aware of every Cancer.



It’s that time of year again; as the temperature begins to drop outside we crank up the heating in our homes and offices. This can lead to more people contracting the flu virus.


Movember – Dealing With Cancer

Our trustee Pete will once again be undertaking Movember through out this month, only this year has more significance for Pete who lost his father earlier in the year to prostate cancer. From the outset we want you to be aware that Pete’s story does not come with a happy ending and is a very honest account. Sadly, this is all to familiar and it is crucial that the message about checking yourself is passed along:


Wear it Pink

Today sees people across Britain adorn their finest pink clothing and head out to work, school or the community all in aid of “Wear It Pink”.
Some will hold huge fundraisers to raise money for the event, some might just change the colour of their socks, but it’s all in aid of a really amazing cause.


Gift Aid Awareness Day

Today is Gift Aid Awareness Day! So, what does that actually mean?
Well, according to estimates in the UK an approximate £560m of potential Gift Aid goes unclaimed each year; which is a staggering figure. For a small charity like ours, which is totally reliant on donations, this can make a huge difference. As an example, gift aid on our recent World Record Attempt meant we generated an additional £2,000+ from people ticking the box on the donations; which will allow us to help 4-5 more families. A massive impact!


Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a worldwide annual campaign involving thousands of organisations, to highlight the importance of breast cancer awareness, education and research.