The family at Legoland

A Double Trip to Legoland

A while back we were contacted by Kirsty who wanted to treat her children and parents to a trip to Legoland to thank them for everything they had done throughout her diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer.

We were delighted to be able to offer to help and after hearing this good news, Kirsty decided to also nominate her brother Leighton and his family for a treat because of how amazing he has done throughout his battle with testicular cancer

Colby and his dad receive a signed Paul Pogba shirt from United Legend Dennis Irwin

Manchester United Experience

We were recently contacted by a family who introduced us to an 8 year old boy and his father that we could not wait to help. At 8 years old Colby had already watched his sister battle and thankfully beat cancer, and now had found out that his father had stage 3 bowel cancer. His mother Dawn shared with us how tough it had been and how confusing a time it was for Colby.


The Farrell’s Trip to London

At the beginning of the year, we became aware of a gentleman
from Neath who was suffering from Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. The family were very modest in their application, not
wanting to ask too much of KOAC, enquiring if we could send them, with there
three children to London to see the musical Matilda and, if it wasn’t too much
trouble to maybe book on their behalf one of either the London Eye, Aquarium or
Madame Tussauds


A Christmas Treat for Caroline

It was back in November that KOAC learned of Caroline’s condition through a mutual friend of some of the trustees. This seemed particularly cruel given that the festive season was just around the corner. So we decided to organise a Christmas treat for Caroline!